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Saturday 17 September 2016


First published 23.3.2016

Chalice well
I am standing in the red water of the Chalice Well spring, the Goddess' garden. my feet are cold but the energy is shooting through me. I meditate in the garden and surrender to beauty and peacefulness. A strong stream of energy goes through me, anchoring me to the ground. All I want is to sit there forever, feeling held and contained by the atmosphere, feminine energy, Goddess/mother energy at its best. 

The day after, I climb the Tor of Avalon, the hill that attracts pilgrims for thousands of years. It is cold and windy at the top and I feel cranky, it takes me a long time to open a portal and go into a journey, deep into the hill, into the earth. I feel myself walk in rich, warm mud, I then go through fire and stand under a waterfall, and as I climb up I feel my lungs expand. A sense of balance with the elements and with Avalon's energy is settling in me and the images are starting to emerge.

Tor of avalon
I am staying in a lovely BB called Apple Fairy, a warm comfortable environment that supports going deeper into "me". Between meditating in different locations and staying in my room, I am starting to get the sense of this journey.  In Iona I re-connected to a part that went to sleep while I happily engaged in Findhorn's social and working life.  I met the Goddess, and now I have come to the place that is so associated with her, to deepen my connection. I am not big on ceremony and don't feel connected to the different witches' covens and Goddess priestesses' groups that flourish in Glastonbury. It is more about the energetic connection, the frequency through which I communicate with the world. I let the place work through me and for the first time in 2 rears I give remote healing to someone in Israel. The results are immediate and so is the feedback. 
I already know that this journey will take me to Jerusalem. Years ago, sitting here on the Tor, I had a strong vision of places that are "healing pockets", places that attract pilgrims because of their healing energy. I remember going into a shamanic journey, being shown these "healing pockets" around the world, and not seeing any in my country.  Jerusalem has the strong energy that attracts pilgrims but it is far from being a healing place, at least for me. I made the connection then between the lack of healing energy from the ground and our need to fill ourselves with energy through weakening our neighbors, hence the constant fighting, the polarization, the greed for land from both sides. That visit to the Tor started my fascination with co- creation with nature. I imagined thousands of little gardens, in Israel and in Palestine, cared for by women, full of healing herbs and small ponds, sanctuaries from violence, aggressiveness and stress. I started writing and working in gardens, and then I moved to Findhorn and developed other aspects of my work.
A vision of re-awakening feminine energy, connected to the land, embracing and lovingly holding the weary, is emerging. The path is closely linked with the 3 core principles that are the foundation of Findhorn's life: inner listening, co creation with nature and service to the world.   

It was always easy to connect to Avalon's Celtic goddesses. I realize that I know close to
Mary Magdalene Chapel
nothing about the Goddess in my own country. As I sit in the garden of Mary Magdalene's chapel, I get the image of the Goddess Ashera, and I cringe. 12 years of Bible lessons, Old Testament stories praising kings who murdered Ashera and Baal servers because they did wrong in the eyes of the Lord, complete demonization of this Goddess and women like Queen Jezebel who worshipped her. I feel the indoctrination in me, I feel myself recoile when I think of Christian feminine figures and yet I "drink" the healing energy in the garden that is dedicated to Mary Magdalene. 

The longer I sit there (I came more than once), the more connected I feel to the place, and the coin drops…under the stories, under the biblical figures, lies a river of energy that is evolving, changing shapes and names, but is constant. I am following the river of Gaia energy, with its different names. Ashera,  Mary, Avalon, all portals into a deeper frequency that needs to surface and be renamed. As I meditate in this peaceful garden, I feel the walls within me crumble. It is time to go back to the Old Testament (first time in 35 years…) and read the goddess' references with new glasses. And then go to Jerusalem and find the Goddess there. Buried under thousands of years of war and violence, I am certain that she is there, I just need to find the portal.

Let the journey begin

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