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Saturday 17 September 2016

Let the Journey Begin...

First published 18.3.2016

I have started on a pilgrimage, a spiritual/ emotional journey that will hopefully bring me
some clarity, and gracefully move me to the next stage of my life. A technical problem with my work visa (I forgot to send the English test certificate with my application), a need to apply again, made me stop. Sitting on the secluded beach next to my parents' house, some dormant aspects of "me" came to say hello. I looked at them with surprise, and a bit of apprehension, and realized that life during the last two years took me to a very different path than what I imagined when I came to Findhorn.  No complaints, I went through very rich, exciting, fantastic two years. Enjoyed most of it and welcomed the challenges, made new wonderful  friends, and  deepened my connection to this magical place that is the Findhorn Foundation.  I hope that my journey will bring me back there, to the next phase of Foundation life. At the same time, I am open to whatever comes.

My lovely non Israeli friends want to follow my journey. Since they refuse to learn Hebrew in order to read my blog (I have been writing this blog for several years now), I am attempting to write in English. I surrender myself to Word and its spelling check. As for grammar, well, I have a certificate that I can speak, write and read English, it doesn't get better than that.

In order to park my personality on the passenger sit, and let my inner self drive for a change, I went for a week to the Isle of Iona. There, in Findhorn's retreat house, in the Sanctuary and on the beach, I surrendered, reciting again and again the beautiful text that you see in the picture. It is hanging on the sanctuary's door.

In the ruins of the women's monastery, I found my inner voice, I re-connected to the Goddess, a frequency that I did not use for over a year now. I did feel that I am losing my ability to channel information to people, to give healing, my co-creation in the garden diminished, but new portals opened, and I am forever grateful for our Spiritual Foundation group and for the energetic work that we did together. While going through energetic portals that were opened by others, I closed my own unique frequency. It is time to re-connect and re-create my life. How exciting! How frightening! But mostly exciting….

The women's monastery
Iona is a magical, highly potent island. This was my forth visit and the first that I did not spend half of it sick in bed.  I guess I learned to surrender, to really open up to the island. I did try to help the angels to reach the right decision regarding my future, but they kept pushing me out of the "Council of Spirits". Eventually I had to sit back and relax, and let them do their magic.

Back in Findhorn, I started the disciplined work of grounding what came up in Iona,  re-imprinting this new/old frequency in my body. There are different ways to manifest the "plan", the vision that one creates in a dream. I take the energy that emerges and send it through my body. I used the guidelines of Astrid Gude's wonderful workshop "Children of the Elements" and went on a journey through the elements. And thank you Sally, from the Rainbow Lodge BB, for providing such a wonderful environment for deepening my connection to the Goddess within me.  

2 weeks through the elements….connecting to the seed of potentials (element of earth),
The Findhorn river
grounding the energy into the ground in the original garden, crying and dripping (severe cold…) through the element of Water, re-imprinting with the help of Pia mark, washing in the river (energetically, haven't lost my mind yet…Scotland…), transmuting negative emotions and fears through Fire, and eventually reaching Air, expanding my lungs and finding my voice, one outcome is me writing now…in English…

My journey takes me to Glastonbury, to Avalon. A morning in the Chalice Well garden already sent me to bed…the energy is very strong here. The journey continues…and you will get to hear about it, about the insights that slowly emerge, as soon as I get my strength back. Some chocolate and a good night sleep should do it. Tomorrow I am climbing the Tor of Avalon.


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