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Saturday, 17 September 2016

Shaking the Heart of Jerusalem

First published 20.4.2016

In order to fix, we need to go back to when it started to break. There are 20 of us, Israelis and Europeans, following Marko Pogacnik around Jerusalem. Marko believes that the essence of Jerusalem is peace, a primeval, archetypal power that was blocked, twisted and weakened for 3000 years. We are going back in time to connect to the moment when Monotheism conquered Paganism, when the Goddess was forced to hide. These 4 days are about finding the Goddess in Jerusalem, a perfect follow up for my own personal work here the week before. Somebody up there really wants me to do my inner work….

Marko refuses to go into the Old City, he received guidance to approach Jerusalem from the outside and work around the walls. I am a bit worried when he walks confidently towards Damascus Gate, the center of terror for the last few months, but the day is beautiful and peaceful, and I relax, surrender and trust.

Zidkiyahu cave
We need to penetrate the walls of stone, we need to go into the mountain, connect heaven and earth. We go into a deep cave, below the Old City. Deep in the ground, we open our hearts, the heart of the place, we open the heart of Jerusalem through meditation and chanting. Our voices vibrate, bounce over the rocks and come back to us. I feel the mountain stretching, awakening, a powerful experience

A ritual is a language, a way to communicate information to non human entities. These entities do not have physical eyes, they do not understand our language. They can feel our intention and vibrations . I am starting to feel a connection to the angels.

Damascus Gate
We go out filled with love and light, and crash into reality. We are in the Palestinian side of the city, close to Damascus gate, a picture of normal life except for the soldiers. Busy shops, school children on their way home, women with shopping bags.  We are sitting with our backs to the wall enjoying a picnic lunch. A few teenagers are starting to circle us. In seconds the soldiers round them up, check their bags for weapons. A full body check, hands up, facing the wall, while everybody watches. I look at the one closest to me, the mixture of anger and humiliation on his face.

A wave of despair goes through the group. Our European guests are shocked and fascinated, welcome to the Middle East. Is this the future that awaits Europe?  What are we doing here? How can we make a difference in this impossible reality?

We move on immediately after this episode, not wanting to cause anymore disruption. My energy is low, my throat is clogged and I feel like crying. Marko manages to gather us energetically and we continue our conversation with the Goddess and her angels. His favorite metaphor is the David and Goliath story. We are David….small but focused. I keep thinking of the butterfly that causes walls to fall. I remind myself that I am not saving the world single handedly. This work is first and foremost for me, my connection to this frequency, my transformation. There are many that are connecting to the same source and eventually we will become a critical mass that will actually change this reality. It might not happen during my life, but what the hell, we need to start somewhere.  

2 days around the walls, walking, meditating, chanting, visualizing a better world, actually feeling a change in the energy, or maybe it is our focus and perception that are shifting.

Valley of Hell
The last day is dedicated to the Valley of Hell, a horrible name for a beautiful energetic place. The Old Testament condemned this valley, hinting that the pagans sacrificed their children to the Gods here. It was never confirmed and not very likely, human sacrifices were extremely rare in the Middle East. Another attempt to discredit Goddess work. They conquered the sacred hills that are Jerusalem and covered them with stone buildings. The valley is so powerful, they couldn't conquer its energy, so they needed to discredit it. Nobody ever built there, the reputation of it being the gate to hell actually saved it. It is a true garden of paradise, the Goddess' Garden, with fig, olive, almond and pomegranate trees in abundance. It looks like a serpent, another Goddess symbol, curling towards the Dead Sea. It feels like the only sane space below this crazy city, protecting it from losing its mind completely by sending powerful Mother Earth energy up the mountain.

I am leaving Jerusalem with a spark of new hope, not letting reality and facts confuse me. Many Israelis, including myself, tend to stay away from Jerusalem, leaving it to the fanatics, but Jerusalem is too powerful to be left uncared for. Its energy effects globally, 3 major religions have been fighting over it for 3000 years… The mountain is ready to communicate, its energy will go where we direct it, and we left it too long in care of dark forces. 
And thank you, Marko, we could never have done it without you.


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