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Saturday 17 September 2016


First published 10.4.2016

24 hours…time needed to finish my spiritual pilgrimage in Jerusalem.  I knew the road will take me there, and I wasn't too happy about it. I have/had a big issue with Jerusalem. 25 years ago I spent 2 very stressful years there, working for the King David hotel. In my experience, Jerusalem's energy is very strong and  aggressive. 3 major masculine religions are fighting over this rock for 3000 years,(after methodically erasing any sign of Goddess/earth religions….). I always get the feeling of walls, stone and marble, walls within me, walls around me. Small wonder that I didn't bother to visit there for years.

I wanted to visit St. George Monastery and the Garden Tomb (where Jesus was buried and  resurrected), both places are magical, with spiritual, peaceful gardens. Back in February I happened to read  Peter Caddy's biography (founder of Findhorn) and discovered to my amazement that I am following his spiritual Pilgrimage (his words), all the way to Iona, Glastonbury and the garden Tomb in Jerusalem. What better sign for someone who lives in Findhorn

Dormition Abbey
Correspondence with friends in Israel and the Israeli News sites put an end to this romantic fantasy.  This particular area of Jerusalem is in the Palestinian part of the city and is flooded with terror. Back in February it was a real war zone with people being shot and stabbed daily. I trust the universe but I am not suicidal…went to the Findhorn River, called Universe 911 and asked for guidance. The answer came immediately, the journey is through the feminine frequency, and the portal is through a Christian place but not the ones that I mentioned. The image of the Dormition Abbey,  dedicated to Maria, emerged. It is on Mt. Zion, in the Jewish side of the city. I had my lead.

My days in Glastonbury brought a deep connection to Goddess energy and a determination to find that same energy in Jerusalem. I need to penetrate through the dominant wave of strong aggressive energy. Jerusalem can be highly spiritual, violent, fanatic, deep, and never boring. I never felt any softness or feminine energy there although I am aware that others might have a different experience.

The Crypt
First stop, The Dormition Abbey, the site where Maria died, "fell asleep", a 4th century church.The upper part is imposing and very masculine. The Crypt, the basement level, is pure feminine energy, with a statue of the sleeping Maria and paintings of 6 strong Old Testament women. I find a hidden corner, wait till the tourists leave and go into a Shamanic journey into the mountain. The stones and marble are disintegrating, the church, the room of the Last Supper, the Tomb of King David, are disappearing. The mountain is shaking and stretching, and I am dropping thousands of years back into a procession of priestesses, on a full moon night. In the distance I can hear a group of pilgrims praying and chanting with their Pastor, a voice from the upper church, from the 21th century. At first I am deeply annoyed but then manage to combine these beautiful voices with my image of the Goddess' priestesses, and create a powerful frequency of love and compassion. When I finally return, I am completely disoriented.

Holy Sepulchre
I drift through Zion gate, into the old city of Jerusalem.  The old city is full of life and tourists. I find myself in the Christian quarter , in the church of the Holy Sepulchre , the holiest of all, the place of crucifixion. Here too I go to the lowest crypt, deep into a journey, same images, a different group of tourists praying and singing with their Pastor while I join the Goddess priestesses' procession, thousands of years ago. I lose track of time, past and present, the imposing building is disintegrating, the mountain is shaking all traces of dominion and is coming alive. Chaos in my body and huge release of blocked energy, I feel like crying.

women side Wailing wall
After two powerful journeys I desperately need a plate of Humus. The best Humus is in the Moslem Quarter and at this point I don't care about safety, I am determined to get my Humus. A walk through the Via Dolorosa and the warm friendly sellers and waiters remind me again that we are the same, we just want to be happy, healthy and make a living. 

Last stop is in the Wailing Wall, the holiest place for Jews. Here the journey is more difficult, maybe because it is an open noisy space, unlike the dark quiet corners in the churches, maybe because I am tired. I repeat a short version of the Shamanic journey, and slowly walk back to my guesthouse.

The evening is beautiful but my body is shattered and I feel  strong pain in my pelvis. I am guided into another meditation, this time to ground and balance the different parts of my Pilgrimage - Iona, Avalon, Jerusalem - in my body. I can now acknowledge the powerful healing that is still working in me. I made peace with my country, I made peace with this city, I released anger and aggression within me and connected to an ancient frequency that was buried under 3000 years of violence. It's a start. Next week I am coming again, to do some work with Marko Pogacnik. Marko, a well known artist and a dear man who works with the energy of the earth, comes a lot to Israel but so far refused to work in Jerusalem. Now, he decided, it's time, in accordance with my own guidance, what are the odds?  

Marko believes that the only way to achieve peace is to shake and transform the energetic patterns that are dominant here. I didn't plan it but this is exactly what I tried to do during my own little Journey. Can't wait to experiment with a large group of people……

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